Thank you for considering supporting our work. 

We have significant, ongoing pro bono and in-kind support covering everything from office space (no overheads!) to media and communications support, graphic design, printing, videography, advertising, counselling and legal advice. But without any government or corporate funding, we rely completely on donations and fundraising.


As well as the daily demands of supporting 80+ families around Australia, donations help us pay for things like maintenance of our Missing Persons Guide (50+ users per day), production of our world-first Ambiguous Loss Masterclass and The Hope Narratives, research, essential hardware and software, initiatives like our What’s Missing podcast and annual awareness campaigns.


Donations are 100% tax-deductible. And they mean more than you know.


Thank you.

For direct debit donations:

Bank: Bank of Melbourne

Name: The Missed Foundation

BSB: 193-879

Account: 447 888 368

Donate via Raisely