Our brand style guide

Our Logos

The ZIP includes a comprehensive set of logo assets. Both the full…

Our Brand Fonts

Missed uses two fonts including DM Serif Display and Poppins. Both are…

Our Brand Kit

The kit includes our style guide, logos, colours and fonts.

How do loved ones refer to their missing person?

Follow the cues of the person dealing with the ambiguous loss in…

Telling the story is hard for loved ones

Consider the toll it takes on families and those impacted in telling…

A short phone call goes a long way

Consistency in communication even when there is no news is important. -…

Cost of Missingness – Report

This paper aims to illustrate the complexity of the impact and cost…

Cost of Missingness – System Map

Mapping the impact of Missingness across; Family and Loved Ones, Corporate Sector,…

Cost of Missingness

In order to demonstrate the magnitude of this issue, and get the…

Cost of Missingness – Financial model

Detailed breakdown of economic cost to public sector, private sector and individuals…

Social Return on Investment Report

During 2021, we asked 180 Degrees Consulting to help us understand the…